What we do

Cash Flow Management

The key to long term survival of your business is effectively managing your cash flow. Once you can do this, you will find you can maintain enough working capital to survive through the off-peak phases of your business.

Your future spending decisions and the direction your business is likely to take, is impacted by your cash flow and wealth management. To ensure you are making the right decisions in line with your cash flow, keep up to date with the developments in your business.

Track Cash Flow

Tracking your cash flow can help you monitor your finances when you have money coming in and money going out of your business. This will help you to see when you have extra cash available or when you are likely to experience shortages in cash flow. Monitoring your cash flow can also help distinguish warning signs to avoid future financial problems.

Run Marketing Campaigns

If you are looking to increase your sales and customer base, why not consider an advertising campaign? Social media and digital marketing channels like a website, can promote your products/services in an effective way.

Reduce Terms of Credit

Late payments can hurt any small business, so you might want to consider tightening your terms of credit. There are measures you can put in place to avoid issues with late, or no, payments of debts.

Monitor Stock Levels

Monitoring your stock levels by adjusting the quantity and timing of stock purchases can help to coincide with your high cash flow periods.

Minimum Expenses

Keep your outgoing payments to a minimum to ensure you have effective cash flow management.

Many business owners can find it difficult to understand their businesses finances. You can improve your skills by seeking expert advice from an accountant or financial business advisor. It can help you to improve cash flow management and your finances, particularly if you are in the early stages of your business.

At Bellwether Financial Group we can assist with small to medium business cash flow management strategies and help you effectively apply these to your business.

General Advice Warning: Any advice provided on this site is of a general nature only, you should consider whether it is appropriate for your personal objectives, financial situation and needs prior to acting on this information.

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